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iDKHOW’s Dallon Weekes has shared a statement with fans, updating them on the progress of their new album and confirming that drummer Ryan Seaman is no longer a part of the band.
Dallon wrote in a message on social media (September 17) that “Regrettably, Ryan will no longer be participating in iDKHOW. After a series of broken trusts, it became necessary to let him go. While it was very sad to lose a friend of fifteen years, iDKHOW is very important to me. It’s how I provide for my family, and I take that very seriously.”
He also confirmed that Dave Fridmann, known for his work with The Flaming Lips and Phantom Planet among others, has produced the upcoming new album which will arrive via Concord Records.
Have a read of the full statement below:
“Dear everyone, I owe you updates (real ones)! Some of you may be aware of this stuff already, but let’s make it official!
First and foremost, I’ve completed a new iDKHOW record, with the incredible Dave Fridmann producing. I’ve been a fan of Dave and his work for a long long time. He’s been responsible for many of my absolute favorite records, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity I had to work with him. The experience was a dream come true, and I can’t wait to share the results!
I’m happy to announce that I’ll be working with Concord Records moving forward. They have a great team operating around the clock to get this new record out into the world as soon as humanly possible.
Since the last album, you have helped iDKHOW hit some great milestones. 1,000,000 followers on Spotify! Choke was certified GOLD in the US and Canada! Both are equally humbling and incredible!
Regrettably, Ryan will no longer be participating in iDKHOW. After a series of broken trusts, it became necessary to let him go. While it was very sad to lose a friend of fifteen years, iDKHOW is very important to me. It’s how I provide for my family, and I take that very seriously.
Thank you all for being so incredibly patient. The moxie and support that fans have shown during this long process has been invaluable and sincerely appreciated.
This is the end of my very important statement. Thanks for reading. -DW”
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